Friday, July 9, 2010

The Restlessness Inside

Change in life is inevitable. Sometimes, you never see it coming, like when you find out your co-worker is a vampire by watching him bite his girlfriend's neck on an A&E documentary. That changes your life in ways you probably can't imagine. But that's also the kind that blindsides you. Sometimes it's something completely ridiculous like Phil the Vampire, sometimes it's serious like death, or sometimes it's incredible, but it blindsides you.

But sometimes you feel change coming. Maybe it comes when you know stuff is on the horizon that hasn't been made public yet, maybe it comes when you've just been feeling it, and maybe it's God telling you to get ready, but you just feel it.

Right now I have an incredible sense of foreboding that pretty major change is coming. Maybe even really soon. But I think it's coming. I mean, I'll obviously need to be finding a job soon, but with that likely comes changing churches which means a lot of things. Hopefully with the job comes a new place to live, and with that just a general sense of responsibility that comes with growing up and facing life head on.

The thing that gets me about all of this, though, is that I've realized that I am what's hindering the change. I've more or less dragged my feet in several areas, and they've all been in the name of some "good" things, but I'm going to go crazy if I don't quit screwing around and just dive headfirst into something.

This isn't as insightful as I had maybe hoped it would be, but it's just something I needed to get off my chest. My soul is restless and it's time to do something about it.

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