Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer Goals and Various Musings

I've now been out of school for a week. I haven't done anything in about a week. Coincidence? Nope. Having down time to just hang out and unwind has been wonderful, but I'm about to reach the point of worthlessness, so I need to figure out some stuff to keep myself occupied until Summer Hebrew starts. Hopefully I'll be in my new job by the Fall, so once Hebrew kicks off I doubt there will be much free time for anything too crazy, so I figured I'd write out some things I want to accomplish between now and then. It's not an impressive list, but it's enough to tie me over.

-Read. I have several books I want to read. I've already read Love Wins and I'm about halfway through How The Gospel Brings Us All The Way Home by Derek Thomas, which is great so far. It's a series of sermons he did at First Pres in Jackson on Romans 8 and then turned it into a book. Other things on the list are Living for God's Glory by Joel Beeke and The Bible and the Future by Anthony Hoekema (which I was actually supposed to read for ST3 but didn't finish it...oops.) I also have a couple of books on spiritual gifts, Are Miraculous Gifts for Today by several guys (can't remember who the editor is) and The Final Word by O. Palmer Robertson. I've actually had those for a long time and didn't have time to read them due to classes starting back up, which kind of sucks because I got them after a little incident that involved someone speaking in tongues publicly in a worship service I was attending. That's a lot of reading, but I mean...I don't have anything else to do.

-Ride. My bum knee needs it. My fat belly needs it. And my bored mind needs it. I think it's reasonable to try to ride 4 mornings a week, if not 5. I'm pretty consistently doing about 7 miles right now, but I also think it's reasonable to try to get that up to about 20 ASAP. We shall see.

-Learn to sight read music. Pretty straight forward.

So those are my 3 major goals for the summer. I don't think it's anything too challenging, so let's do it.

And now, for the various musings.

Galatians 1:10 - "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."

It's not really "various musings" because it's something that's been stirring in my heart for almost a year, and it started with a conversation. A good friend and I were helping out at a function at a church in downtown Jackson we've helped out with a lot over the last year and half or so (he's probably been at it longer). We were sitting in the sanctuary while the kids were singing, and I think it was a hymn. The words were put up on a powerpoint with a plain white background and black letters, pretty similar to what opening up a word processor and typing would look like. We both kind of laughed at it, but then, almost at the exact same time, had the same thought - why would we laugh at that? The truth of the words of the song was not bound in a pretty design in the power point, smooth transitions between slides, or lights that change color based on the mood. The truth of the words is bound in the words. In the message. In the message praising God.

And that got me thinking. I've been conditioned, by two churches I have attended, to judge a worship service by aesthetics. Did we sing with a projector screen or printed words on a handout or even...gasp...a hymnal? Were the songs we sang hymns or songs off K-LOVE or whatever? Did the stage look good on TV or did it look plain and boring? These kinds of questions can go on indefinitely. And it brought me to ask some questions. Why is the church so obsessed with technology? How much is too much?

I mean, think about it. I know of a church that bought some extra flat screen TVs that just look good on TV. They bought TVs to look good on TV. And they are nice TVs. Probably between $500 and $1000. There are 15 other TVs in the "worship center" (when did it become uncool to call it a sanctuary?) and the room surrounding the "worship center." That makes 18 total. 18 TVs. I've been to a church where the lights on the stage change colors with the power point presentation. Why? It looks good on TV? Because it somehow enhances the truth of the message? Because...why?

I don't think the church should shun technology. No, it should embrace it. Technology is a good thing. In fact, a lot of the pastors I like, read, and listen to embrace things like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and various other outlets. It gives us new access to people and places we have never had before. I mean, even the guys that wrote the Bible used the best technology they had available. It was pretty much just pen and paper, or some early form of pen and paper, but they used what was available to them to get the message out. We should too.

I'm also not saying using power point in a worship service is wrong. I personally enjoy having a hard copy of something in my hand (which is also why I'm incredibly thankful for the return of vinyl and have, so far, resisted the urge to get a Kindle...OK well that may deal more with the fact I'm broke but I still very much appreciate the way a book feels and smells), but I fully realize the simplicity of throwing the words on a power point and putting them up on a screen. I just think a lot of people overdo it. The beauty is in the message, not in the technology used to present the message.

When I watch John Piper preach, it's one camera, it's John Piper, and it's a less than impressive set of chairs behind him in an empty choir loft. But he faithfully, simply, and consistently preaches the Gospel and nothing but the Gospel. There aren't any high-tech lights, no TVs behind him...just a man preaching the Word of God.

And so I come to the question I've been struggling with. If you stripped away the big guitar solos, the fancy lights, the elaborate power points, the flat screen TVs, the car and iPad giveaways, and all of the bells and whistles, what's left of the church in America? What's left of your (or my) church?

And what should we, as the body of Christ, do about it?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22, 2011

OK, I'm giving up on the video game posts. This list is just kind of dumb and...well...I just feel like it's dumb. That's it.

It's May 22, 2011. The world was supposed to end yesterday, but it didn't. But it's interesting that I studied eschatology this semester (though I didn't understand it all, and not only am I surprised I passed the class, I'm a little surprised I didn't get kicked out of school for heresy because...well...I had no idea what I was talking about on the final) and all this stuff went on. May 21, 2011. WE CAN KNOW. But it obviously didn't happen. Besides the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:36, where He says no one knows the day or the hour, some other things came to mind, most specifically the fact that Christ's second coming is going to be a joyous event. I pretty much reject the whole theology of the Left Behind series, but I can't exactly tell you why (yet), but Jesus Christ is definitely returning and when he does, it is going to be an incredible thing for believers. In fact I long for the day. But I don't believe that Jesus is coming in the next 5 seconds.


OK, didn't happen. There are still unfulfilled prophecies, like the Antichrist and the gospel being proclaimed to all nations, among other things. God's not a liar, and if He said some things are going to happen, they're going to happen. This isn't as theologically sound as I wish it was, but one of my goals for the summer is to figure out where I stand on this and more importantly, why.

This hasn't been a complete thought or anything really. And hopefully I can revisit this after I've read up on it some more. These are just some thoughts I've had lately. But Christ is returning. And it's going to be a wonderful thing.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 9 - My Favorite Console

Though I've gotten way more mileage out of my XBOX 360, my all time favorite console is the Nintendo 64.

Seriously, this thing was great. It introduced me to so many things. The Rumble Pack, the Expansion Pack, and 4 player console gaming to name a few. Not to mention countless hours of Goldeneye. Yeah, the 64 was a great system. Even after "better" ones came out we stuck with the 64. And to this day, there still has not been a better wrestling game than WWF No Mercy. I had an epic 45 minute ladder match with a friend one night, but I had to leave before it was over and we never did determine a winner.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 8 - My Favorite Third Person Game

I haven't played a whole lot of third person games, but it's hard to beat Gears of War...

Day 7 - My Favorite Fighting Game

I don't play fighting games, but this one deserves a mention. No explanation is needed.

Mortal Kombat

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 6 - My Favorite Intro/Teaser/Trailer

Ok this one has three categories, so I'm going to do 3 different videos.

1. Favorite intro

The Brian Dawkins Madden speech. The whole speech is here:

I mean, I know I'm not an athlete. But I remember intense pre-game moments (yeah, it was high school basketball, and no, I probably didn't actually get in the game) but sports video games are for fat, out of shape guys like me with two surgically reconstructed knees to live vicariously through our favorite teams. And that speech is just freaking awesome.

2. Favorite teaser

The Ron Pearlman "War...war never changes..." gets me every time. I love the way the old, feel good music is set to the wasteland too.

3. Favorite trailer

Another Madden one. This is just a freaking cool commercial period. Plus Ray Lewis kills people.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 5 - My Favorite Console Game

Hmm. This one seems a bit redundant...I've already done my favorite game ever, and I've done my favorite PC it being said that Fallout 3 is my favorite game of all time, for my favorite console game, I'll go with the game that got me into RPGs in the first place...

Final Fantasy VII

I still really like this game today. I'd love to see what could be done with it with fully updated graphics and all, say on PS3 or XBOX 360. But it's still OK on the original Playstation. It's an all around great game, and it was the only game of the Final Fantasy series I was really able to get into. This one will probably appear in the list a few more times.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 4 - My Favorite PC Game


This one is not even close. Favorite computer game of all time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 3 - My Favorite Arcade Game

NFL Blitz

I was never really big into arcade games, but this game (both on the arcade and on Nintendo 64) is the one game that I was always reasonably confident I would win at. There were a handful of others I liked, but this is the one arcade game I'll still stop to play whenever given the chance.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 2 - My Favorite Game Ever

Ok, I know it's only been a few hours since the last post, but it's technically the next day and I'm super excited about this challenge. So I'm tackling day 2 now.

Like the last category, several games could have made the cut. I could probably make a case for all of these games being my favorite. Final Fantasy VII, Goldeneye, and Ocarina of Time all get some mention, but these two games sparked an interest in franchises I wasn't that into when I picked them up. These games win simply based on how much time I've spent playing them. So, my favorite games of all time are...

1. Fallout 3

I bought this game on a whim during finals of fall semester my last year at Ole Miss. I didn't actually have any finals...maybe one...and it was like Thursday of exam week. So I went to Wal-Mart, saw that this was the game of the year or whatever, and bought it. I stayed up playing it all night the first night, and I've played all the way through it at least 5 times, as well as bought all the expansions and played the crap out of them, too. Just something about being on your own post-nuclear apocalypse and surviving is awesome.

2. EA Sports NCAA Football

I wasn't always the sports fan I am today. A big part of why I became such is the NCAA Football series. The first one I bought for myself was NCAA Football 2006, with Desmond Howard on the cover. I've bought it every year since.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 1 - The FIrst game that got you hooked on gaming

There are a handful of good options here. I started off with the NES and also had a Sega Genesis, and a couple of games got me started. So, before I get to THE game, a few honorable mentions. These are in no particular order:

1. The Legend of Zelda - NES

I don't know if I actually had this game (I think I did...) but I know my cousin had it, and somebody I know, though I can't remember, had the original gold cartridge. I didn't really know what I was doing and I never actually beat it, but this was one of the first games I remember loving. It's also a precursor to the game that got me hooked.

2. Super Mario 64 - N64

One of the first Nintendo 64 games, this game was freaking awesome. I never really was quite sure what the story was (besides the princess getting kidnapped and Mario having to save her) but this game was just awesome.

3. Goldeneye 007 - N64

This was my first foray into FPS games, and was awesome. We spent hours upon hours playing the multiplayer, which was the coolest thing about it. I remember in 7th grade or so the way to trash talk people was to say you were better at Goldeneye than they were. And then of course you'd play and the winner would have bragging rights forever. I probably would have put Perfect Dark here, because we played that a lot more, but Goldeneye was the first. But Goldeneye was awesome.

4. Final Fantasy VII - Playstation

This was the first RPG I ever played, and I was obsessed. I've played through it several times, and it never gets old, even if the graphics are a little (OK, a lot) outdated by now. Still though, awesome game, great story, and it takes a looooooong time to beat. Vincent Valentine is still one of my all-time favorite video game characters.

5. Starcraft - PC

This and Final Fantasy VII are like 2a and 2b for my favorite game of all time. We spent hours playing this online and talked about it at school all the time (I was in 8th and 9th grade...didn't have a lot else going on). There's really not much to say other than...this game is awesome. I still play it sometimes and Starcraft II was amazing as well.

But, finally, the game that got me hooked...

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - N64

This game was just awesome. I played the crap out of it and want to play it again. It was the first game that I wanted to get 100% of everything (all the gold spiders, growing the plants, finding the masks, etc.) and I did. I mean, just an awesome game all around. One of the best ever, in my opinion, and definitely the one that got me hooked.

So...there's day 1. I'm a nerd.

30 Day Video Game Challenge

I did the 30 day song challenge on Facebook, but I thought this might be a little too dorky to put out there on FB. I'm a gamer, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, so I'm going to do this here. This is the list:

30 Day Gamers Challenge

Day 01 - The first game that got you hooked on gaming

Day 02 - Your Favourite Game Ever

Day 03 - Your Favourite Arcade Game

Day 04 - Your Favourite PC Game

Day 05 - Your Favourite Console Game

Day 06 - Your Favourite Game Intro/Teaser/Trailer

Day 07 - Your Favourite Fighting Game

Day 08 - Your Favourite Third Person Game

Day 09 - Your Favourite Console

Day 10 - Your Favourite FPS Game

Day 11 - Your Favourite Game Soundtrack

Day 12 - Your Favourite Survival Horror

Day 13 - Your Favourite Driving Game

Day 14 - Your Favourite Hand Held System

Day 15 - Your Favourite Game Character

Day 16 - Your Favourite Shoot Em Up

Day 17 - Your Favourite Online Game

Day 18 - Your Favourite Hand Held Game

Day 19 - Your Favourite RPG

Day 20 - Your Favourite Facebook Game

Day 21 - Your Favourite Simulation Game

Day 22 - Your Favourite Puzzle Game

Day 23 - Your Favourite Free Game

Day 24 - Your Favourite Sports Game

Day 25 - Your Favourite Music/Family/Social Game

Day 26 - Your Favourite Side scrolling Beat em up

Day 27 - Your Favourite Platform Game

Day 28 - What game would you like to see made into a movie

Day 29 - Name the most over rated game

Day 30 - What’s the next big game your most looking forward to