Saturday, October 24, 2009


So...if anybody actually reads this, you may realize you're one friend short on Facebook. You've probably also noticed a drastic drop in people updating their Facebook status. That's because I quit. I don't know how long it's going to be for, but I'm taking some time off Facebook. It's just a waste of time for me right now. I don't work all the time, and on the days I don't work I typically sit around on Facebook and do nothing all day. I sit on the couch all day long and check Facebook every 5 minutes. I look at pictures of certain people and wonder what could have been and get depressed. I look at people I don't know well and get bothered by that. I mean, it's just a lot of absurd stuff nobody should ever do, that I do all the time.

So, what's the point? I don't know, actually. I just felt like it was the right thing to do. I'll probably be back on it eventually, although quitting it for good would be nice. But hopefully I can achieve a few things during this time. First, I can stop feeling sorry for myself. Hopefully I can just let some things be and not abuse myself in those ways. Second, instead of Facebook creeping on people, I can take some time to actually get to know them instead of checking the 'book to find things out. Finally, maybe I can get off my butt and do stuff. I've got a couple of books I'd like to read, I've got some weight I'd like to lose, and I've got some people I want to get to know better. So maybe I can accomplish that stuff? We'll see.

Anyway, that's just what's on my mind. Maybe this will lead to some more blogging? That would be exciting, too.

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