Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Some Random Thoughts...

-School sucks.  I'm ready to be done and doing something else.  This has been a recurring theme from me, I know, but it's something that just needs to be said.  Again.

-30 Rock is very funny.  I randomly bought season 1 on DVD right before Thanksgiving break and loved it.  Very funny.  I'm glad to have another TV show to waste my time with.

-I don't like the state of Texas, but I am ecstatic at the thought of spending New Years there, but I'd rather go to Florida.  Just saying.

-I love NFL football.  I went to my first pro game a week ago, Saints vs. Packers on Monday Night Football.  It was an absolute blast.

-Speaking of NFL football, I am absolutely stoked about the upcoming weekend.  Friday - South Panola vs. Meridian in the state 5A championship game.  South Panola currently owns the nation's longest win streak in high school football.  Saturday - Ole Miss vs. New Orleans in New Orleans.  After that, Hornets vs. Grizzlies.  Sunday - Falcons vs. Saints.  The best part?  I'll be at all of them live.  In person.

-Speaking of Atlanta...8-4?  Seriously?  Matt Ryan is amazing.

-I'm glad it's cold.  I like the cold.

-Is having a blog arrogant?  It's like I'm saying "Hey!  I'm important!  You should read my thoughts!  Please do!"  Except that no one does.  I promise, it's not because I'm arrogant.  It's because I'm bored.

-Bored.  Where has the Bored-Again Christian gone?  This makes me sad.

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